
Back our mission to make design accessible

We are passionate about creating affordable and accessible opportunities that break down the barriers communities face. If you would like to support our mission you can now become a backer.

Help us make design accessible

  • Create8

    What are backers?

    Behind all perfectly executed projects is a clear and concise strategy but what does that actually mean? All of our workshops include details about the processes used by the agencies featured.

  • Create8

    How much does it cost?

    Case studies are a designers best friend but they don’t always show the concepts that were suggested and rejected. Our workshops encourage agencies to show the ideas that don’t make it.

  • Crete8

    What are the benefits?

    When we started out all we wanted to do was go inside the agencies we respected but that simply wasn’t possible. You can now do what was once impossible by accessing our process focused workshops.

"We believe in building communities that work together to develop opportunities that make design accessible to all – irrelevant of age, ability and background."

Meet our backers

For more information about supporting our mission use the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.